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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stuff from my Sketchbook.

Some random stuff from my sketchbook. I think I've gone a wee bit sketchbook crazy recently, and I'm stocking up on art supplies prior to my departure for university.

Martian Tripod Fighting Machine concept from H.G Wells' "The War of The Worlds", which I'm a huge fan of. I absolutely love Spielberg's rendition of the tripods, very fluid and omnious. This one's my own take of the design, using descriptions from the book. Always dreamt of the head as a covex shaped shield, inspired by a scene early in the book. Also wanted the chaotic, bits-and-pieces effect on the machine's head, to give the impression that the tripod was constructed from parts of the ship they came in. Prior to the movie, my favourite design was the "Great Illustrated Classics" tripods, which is what I grew up with. One of the things I felt that would give the metal montrosity a somewhat omnious and mysterious feel is that it shouldn't have any apertures of sorts, no way to tell where it is controlled or which direction it's "facing", since theoretically, the tripod can move in pretty much any direction regardless. Love the idea of a tubed Black-Smoke launcher, akin to modern rocket/mortar launchers. Legs are a blatant ripoff of those on Half Life 2's striders, albeit with an extra limb, in order to allow the machine to crouch. Painted bands on the legs indicated which leg it is (1 2 or 3). The black mesh in the middle is the cage that holds the prisoners too. If I were to take this further, I'd like to add a crazy amount of cables connecting the upper legs to the base, which looks rather plain now, just to add to the "confusion" around the leg areas, which blends well with the tentacles when they move, giving a sense of chaos a la those fast-action paced scenes.

Cute little thing that I wanted to model for deviantArt's Google Sketchup group contest. Don't really have the time to do it though, so it's just a concept now. Based on an earlier model I did and never finished, due to certain scaling issues and design complexities.

Random sketch. On a bus.

Fan art time. From my favourite game (as of now), Alien Swarm Source. The Vindicator is one sweet looking shotgun, if you ask me. Also love the powered armour concept, very practical looking.

Razor, the Lightning Revenant. Not finished yet.

I like Mp5SSDs, even more so with underbarreled grenade launchers, a la Half Life Source. Beautiful looking weapon indeed. I've actually held one before, without the grenade launcher, which probably needs to be taped on or something.

Covenant Light Cruiser. Wanted to get a fresh persepective on Halo's Covenant ships. Love the Reach Corvette's "ring" thing underneath, which translated to this Light Cruiser's outboard curvy things. Would light up neatly too, and keeping with the book's descriptions of "luminous manta rays". Standard Covenant whale-head for a bow, with the fighter bays and weapons underneath for protection. Not sure what the pod above is for, probably sensors or weapons. Have I mentioned I like rollbars on ships? Think Star Trek's Akira-class. Didn't realise until someone pointed out that this looks suspiciously similar to the Protoss Carrier from Starcraft II, but I digress.

That's all for this update.

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