Communications Network

Monday, January 24, 2011

Comissioning Ceremony

Oh, hello!

The dreaded header which refuses to unpixelate.

Welcome to the shipyards of Sol, where magical things may or may not happen, on a fairly random basis.

Generic greetings aside, this blog is basically the replacement for old Tripod's Den, which, due to numerous factors that may or may not be related to laziness, has fallen into disarray and a cold, lonely death. However, in order to prevent this place from suffering the same, unfortunate fate, I hope to keep stuff interesting, to say the least. Why I want back to blogging isn't really clear to me. I blame getting a facebook account. To be honest, I don't really like seeing certain aspects of some of my mates. Lets just leave it as that.

After reviewing quite a bit of old posts, I can say that forced posting wasn't really the best way to blog. Not only that posts vary in quality, often due to the stamina (or lack therof) of the blogger, but are often redundant or are just really boring to read. I guess I'll stay away from that this time. As for diary-blogging, not the most fun of things. I now find such kind of posts downright lame and often embarresing in many ways. No one really wants to know every minute detail of your life (and if they do, hey, there's always twitter for ya). I'll stay away from that too, but I might let slip some interesting happenings from time to time, whenever I see fit. As per the average teenage-blog, I find passive-aggresive posts most humiliating.

After all that, one might wonder what could possibly fill the vast, uncharted archives that this blog might hold. Indeed, I intend to make this blog a semi-portfolio of mine, perhaps a way to document progress and detail of the various stuff I'm working on. Ultimately, I hope the posts-that-will-be would both inspire myself and the occasional passer-by. Posts may range from the simple gallery of mumbo-jumbo, to maybe even semi-tutorials or fully rendered images. As per the blog title, I mostly work on fictional spacecraft with 3D software (Sketchup and Kerkythea, to those who might ask), and I hope to create some sort of repository for progress updates and stuff like that. Of course, critique is welcomed (and encouraged), should anyone wants to. I'm not too concerned about viewership too, since this blog is sorta self serving, a reflection, if you must. Thus, expect the occasional pseudo-philosophical rantings or just general rambling about an ultimately insignificant aspect of the universe.

In short, more pretty pictures, less emo posts.

And with that, I once again say, welcome to the yards. Construction batch 3A-22C please form a line to Habitat 15-B for briefing. Also, we have a shipment of some high-priority fusion reactors coming in from Luna, so be advised that both the Cargo Dock and Assembly cranes are at maximum capacity today. Have a nice day.

PS. The template isn't quite done yet. For some odd reason, Blogger pixellates my header. I'm using the new (old now) Template system too, which I wasn't bothered to update on Tripod's Den because I didn't want to mess with the coding.

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